Saturday, July 28, 2012

Le din-din on cheatday number.. whatever

Yet another Torai concoction 

Added 2 teaspoons of massaman curry paste and half a tablespoon of curry powder to 3 tablespoons of oil and let it dissolve to a nice "marinade"

added 400 grams of ground beef and let it cook through
3 sliced mini/thai eggplants
a handful of mushrooms
a handful of pinto beans
a handful of peas
half a veggie stock cube
a beef stock cube
seasoned salt and pepper
a splash of skim milk for thickening

added 2 crushed cloves of garliv in the end for some extra zing

the bread is the cheatday element

Friday, July 27, 2012

New PAGG experience

So for the last couple of weeks I've been taking the PAGG from Pareto Nutrition and i must say it has been quite the improvement from the Health Spark ones i had before.
Better results and better allround experience.
For one, my pee no longer smells like mushrooms.. and i don't get acid reflux at night anymore, my weight results has been good
And they are pretty too!! xD

They have a nasty taste though... i only noticed this when i already put the pill in my mouth and fondled around for something to wash it down with >_< but it was the same with the healthspark version

So definitely worth the slightly higher price for a more pleasant experience

if you want to order some, you can click the picture below

Let the cheatday commence!

So, i moved my cheatday to friday's.. just because it makes more sense, since its the day my family goes shopping for the rest of the week, and we have had a tradition to get either candy or chips on friday's since i was a little boy
Also i'm at 13kilo's lost (28.6 pounds)

Anyway, i missed last night dinner update so here goes:

As per usual, dissolved some massaman curry paste in 1-2 tblspoons of canola oil, about half a teaspoon as i was going for a slightly less spicy taste than yesterday
fried with the oil mix:
1 handful of mushrooms
2 sliced chicken sausages
½ a handful of slice/shredded ham

let that simmer for a bit and then added:
1 handful of pinto beans
1 handful of peas
½-1 teaspoon of curry powder
half a granulated veggie stock cube
and a dollop of milk to thicken (i always use skim milk)

let it all cook through and enjoy!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back in business!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am back!

I had a bit of a vacation, plus i've been sick for a few days. Tried to write an update but it wouldn't publish on the lousy connection
I'm going on vacation again in 2 weeks though, a full week in Alanya, Turkey! its gonna be hell on earth with the heat xD

I've lost 12.2 kilo's so far (26 pounds!!!)

Here's a snapshot from tonights dinner
Dissolved half a tablespoon of massaman curry paste in some oil.
4 sliced chicken sausages
half a teaspoon of curry powder
1½ handful of peas
2 handfuld of pre-boiled sliced cauliflower
a granulated veggie stock cube
a splash of milk to make it thicken