Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fuck cheat day

I feel awful... a pretzel, 2 breakfast rolls and a pastry. I feel like I'm going to throw up/explode.. I don't think I can eat anything else today.

I need to figure out a different approach for next weeks cheat day


I bought this badboy on day one - it's been patiently waiting for me to ravish it on cheat day aaaall week!

That's what I call discipline

Day 6 - Cheat Day!

So today is my cheat day, it should technically be tomorrow but I like the idea of cheat day on Saturdays, plus it lines up with my friends birthday party tonight

Today's weightless: 400 grams
Estimated weight gain for tomorrow 2-3 pounds or 1-1,5 kilos

Friday, June 8, 2012

Failed eggplant

So my mom bought an eggplant, I asked on Reddit what to do with it (I've never cooked or eaten eggplant before) and first tip about grilling/roasting them.. and so I did, but what the person failed to mention was that the eggplant needs to drain for about 30 mind after applying salt to them.
The taste was good but they were reeeeeaaally soggy

Eggplants was salted, brushed with oil and added freshly ground pepper then thrown into the oven until they turned brown/crispy on the outside

kebab meat
Haricot verts
Pinto beans

Then added veggie stock mixed with curry paste and let it reduce down

Late lunch

Was caught up by the tv so made lunch a bit late

But I'm loving the mini chopper
gave the greens a new consistency, so when I added stock it gave a kind of stew feel to it.

Minced and fried in red curry paste:
handful of mushrooms
Handful Baby spinach
Handful of haricot vert
Handful of pinto beans (not minced)
3 chicken sausages (not minced)

The as added as cup of veggie stock and let it reduce down to as stew'ish consistency

and some salad on the side with freshly ground pepper

New investment

Mail arrived today with a package for me!
It's my new investment the Hyundai Mini Chopper
Tried it out for my morning veggies.
I minced:
Spring onions
Big white beans
Fried it all and added beansprouts and then eggs
2 slices of turkey Bacon on the side

Weigh in Day5

Lost 900 grams! Or 1.98 pounds :D

The water tastes as bit sweeter today, and wow even after yesterday's pretzel!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dinner Day4

The usual fried then simmer with stock
Red curry paste
Baby spinach
Big white beans
Sliced chicken sausage

Now with salad on the side containing a organic baby salad mix, pinto beans (flash defrost in the microwave) peas and some salt and fresh ground pepper

Bless me father for i have sinned

I ate a soft pretzel earlier :(
I didn't even give it any thought at the time, I just saw them in the store "oh 50 cent for a pretzel?" Snag! /Munch...  2 mins later I was like "wait wtf...  ah damn!!"

Oh sweet relief

First of the week! Sugarfree ofc

I dont eat chicken! (or fish for that matter)

I've found a good substitute chicken as I don't like fx.  chicken breast, nuggets or hotwings

But I found out that these chicken sausages I've eaten all my life is mainly chicken meat and then spices, so I sliced some up for lunch

5 chicken sausages (they are small)
Handful of sliced mushrooms
Handful of spinach
Handful of beansprouts
2 cloves of garlic
2/3 teaspoon paprika powder

Fried all the above then added a cup of stock to let it simmer down
(Stock this time was 1 veggie cube and a teaspoon of red curry paste)

Breakfast Day4

Lovely way to cook eggs is to mix it in with the fried greens

What's in it:
a handful of big white beans
A handful of beansprouts
A handful of mushrooms
A handful of fresh spinach
a teaspoon of red curry paste
And a few leaves of basil

All fried up in grapeseed oil
Then added in the eggs

In the eggs:
3 eggwhites
2 yolks
Half a teaspoon of Tabasco
Salt & pepper
A sprinkle of thyme (dried)

And to top it all off 3 slices of turkey bacon and some fresh basil

Morning rituals

Just woke up, took a dump and jumped on the scale, lost another 300 grams, which brings the total to 2.5kg

Now... bring on the Chinese water torture!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Damn you urges

I feel the urge to snack on something, maybe the gum wasn't the best idea after all.. maybe I should just go to bed... well I'm going to make some cola (sugarfree ofc) and watch sanctuary

Did you PAGG?

i think i need a pill organizer - i keep forgetting if ive taken my PAGG (the nutritional supplement) so i end up counting all the pills >_<

but i just had dinner (repeat of lunch, as i said: cook enough for two - you can always reheat later) so i know ive taken them right now.. but i will probably forget in an hour


These are amazing, another successful experiment

Fried up these items:
Ground beef
Red curry paste
Spring onions
Pinto beans
Bean sprouts (mingled bean sprouts)
Baby spinach

Then added a cup of veggie stock (1 cube in a cup), and let it simmer down until most of the liquid is gone

I then filled it into these leaves of lettuce called heart lettuce and added some fresh spinach on top

Lenny Cravings

Just got home from grocery shopping, bought some fresh spinach as the frozen stuff was horrible, also got some baby lettuce, basil, mushrooms, black beans and beansprouts.

Also bought something that might help cravings, sugarfree gum with lovely tropical flavors

Planned a bit for my first "cheat day" bought a rockets energy drink and Cuba pineapple (vodka) as I'm going to a birthday party on Saturday

My /r/loseit Post

-->(Reddit Post)<--

Hello there, my name is Dennis and i'm morbidly obese.

But that is all about to change! I started this journey already about 2 months ago, where i gave up on daily consumption of potato chips, lots of pizza's and a ton of energy drinks..

I came home after a prolonged weekend at a friends house playing computer 24/7 and eating junkfood, i thought to myself "i need to stop this" ive been on diets and programs before.. but i was never truly motivated, i never really cared - but something got to me, its like a giant "get the fuck off your ass and do something" bug bit me on the ass..

So i did, i swapped the potato chips and pizza's out with fruit, cut drastically back on energy drinks and even bought sugarfree ones when possible. But another thing i did, was start walking, every day with a max of 1 day off per week. And i saw great improvement, i could walk faster, longer and got less exhausted than before.

But i was walking around in my every day clothes sweating in them, wearing them up faster than usual.. so i made a post in /r/assistance - asking for help to buy new clothes and shoes Original Post, which i as per usual i showed my post to some friends, and one guy.. did the most awesome thing, and i will get to that, but first.. he sent me the audio book for Timothy Ferriss's book The 4-Hour Body "And uncommon guide to rapid fat-loss, incredible sex and becoming a superhuman" . So i sat down one night and listened to the whole thing (its about 5-6 hours) And gosh darn it.. every thing the guy said seemed to be logical and make sense, so i told my friend "You know what, I'm up for it.. I'm going to start this diet"

Then he did something that brought a tear to my eye, he transferred me $300 - so i could buy a scale and the nutritional supplements mentioned in the book - this also gave me the opportunity to buy a Hydration Pack, a pair of shoes and a t-shirt

I awaited all these things and said "I'm going to start after my sisters birthday" which was this Monday, so I'm currently on day 3 of the Slow Carb diet from the book. I feel great, the meals are great so far (oh you can work wonders with some curry paste and vegetable stock) - i am struggling a bit with the 1.5 liters of water the book recommended to drink within 5 minutes of waking, but other than that its all good.

I've lost 2.2 kilo's (4.8 pounds but heck rounded up to 5 for flair's sake) since i got the scale 2 weeks ago

But last night, i had an idea. I had been sharing photos and updates about the diet on facebook, which is fine but might seem a bit spammy.. so i got the idea to start a blog instead.

i cleverly named it "My FoodFight - a struggle to lose weight"

I hope i can possibly inspire others to do the same, or at least follow my blog and see my progress :) much love <3

Morning day3 - waterworks

Just woke up, I'm attempting to drink the 1.5liter (50 fl. Oz.) In five minutes as stated in the book, but I'm struggling with the large volume - I've already been on the scale, lost 300 grams which makes it 2.2 kilos in total (4.8 pounds) since I got it 2 weeks ago.

Breakfast is going to consist of leftovers from last night, which by the way is a good tip, even if you are cooking for one, make enough for two as s you can reheat for breakfast or lunch.

My sister is the devil

It's 2:30 am.. got mad cravings cuzz my sister was baking cake earlier... and the whole house smells like cake

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 1+2

Greetings, I am Torai aka Dennis, I'm a 25 year old dude from Denmark currently living on welfare.. oh yeah, and I'm morbidly obese.

Yesterday I started the so called Slow Carb Diet from Timothy Ferris's book The 4 Hour body "an uncommon guide to rapid fat-loss, incredible and becoming a superhuman"

In the upcoming days, weeks and months I will be posting pictures of my food, possibly progress and so.e witty anecdotes from my journey through this diet

Beneath is a few pics from yesterday and today where I've been experimenting a bit with beans and lentils coupled with stirfried beef and veggies