Thursday, July 12, 2012

Greasy coconut

so i tried out cooking with coconut milk
aaaaaand it didnt go well

I've never used coconut milk before, so i had NO idea how fatty it was, appearently you can put it in a bowl in the fridge over night and the fat solidifies on top and you can easily remove it.

If only i had known that before i started cooking.. first i thought i had poured in too much oil without thinking about it.. and i let it boil for ages to try and reduce it because it seemed to watery.

The taste was great but i had to remove as much fat as possible with a spoon

i fried off some sliced meatballs in oil and green curry paste, added some slice thai/mini eggplants.
added a can of coconut milk, 1½ handful of mushrooms, half a sliced/julienne'd cucumber and a stalk of lemongrass and let it simmer

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Revenge of the chorizo!

So i had another go at the chorizo last night and it was pretty good

added some oil to my wok and dissolved a spoonful of Massaman curry paste in it

while it was heating up i de-skinned the chorizo (im not a fan of the skin) and sliced it
slapped the sausage in the wok at let it cook through - then added 2 handfuls of mushrooms, handful of beansprouts and a handful of big white beans and it it all cook through

was pretty delish

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A chance to give back

People have been so kind and supportive over the last month or so regarding my weight-loss journey.
So when i found a small opportunity to give something back i grabbed that opportunity

I was ordering some E-Liquid for my mom's E-Cigarette, an electronic cigarette which she can smoke indoors without the foul smell of ashtrays and smoke - and you can use them everywhere, even in non-smoking areas.. and as far as i know its far less harmful than normal cigarettes - so its a good way to try and quit or atleast cut back normal cigarettes

To the giving back part: i was reviewing my order and noticed under my account on that i could create an "affiliate program" which supposedly offers 10% discount to people who use my discount code when ordering.. so i made one

So if you are looking to buy an E-Cigarette or restock E-Liquid.. check out and use the discount code "ToraiGivesBack" when ordering for a 10% discount

I will keep my eyes out for more ways to give back to the community in the future so keep your eyes open for more discounts.

//Torai <3

Monday, July 9, 2012


Hi there!

Sorry for neglecting the blog for the last few days - i've had a lot on my mind
But i should be back in business!

i cheated today, but only because my dinner was a failure..
i had put some veggies over to boil, and i went to take a shower, right before that i ask my mom if she could start cooking the chorizo sausages.
When i come out of the shower the veggies are done, and the sausages have gained color on both sides.
So i assume they are done, and plate up.. get to my room, start eating some of the veggies, and then bite into the sausage.. only to be utterly disgusted.. it turns out my mom had just set them to low heat to simmer.. so they were all raw inside and i nearly threw up..
i went downstairs, threw it out.. and grabbed a bowl and filled it with frosties & milk

but atleast my breakfast/lunch tasted good (i woke up late)
chicken sausages with fried mushrooms & beansprouts, seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika