Hello there, my name is Dennis and i'm morbidly obese.
But that is all about to change! I started this journey already about 2 months ago, where i gave up on daily consumption of potato chips, lots of pizza's and a ton of energy drinks..
I came home after a prolonged weekend at a friends house playing computer 24/7 and eating junkfood, i thought to myself "i need to stop this" ive been on diets and programs before.. but i was never truly motivated, i never really cared - but something got to me, its like a giant "get the fuck off your ass and do something" bug bit me on the ass..
So i did, i swapped the potato chips and pizza's out with fruit, cut drastically back on energy drinks and even bought sugarfree ones when possible. But another thing i did, was start walking, every day with a max of 1 day off per week. And i saw great improvement, i could walk faster, longer and got less exhausted than before.
But i was walking around in my every day clothes sweating in them, wearing them up faster than usual.. so i made a post in /r/assistance - asking for help to buy new clothes and shoes Original Post, which i as per usual i showed my post to some friends, and one guy.. did the most awesome thing, and i will get to that, but first.. he sent me the audio book for Timothy Ferriss's book The 4-Hour Body "And uncommon guide to rapid fat-loss, incredible sex and becoming a superhuman" . So i sat down one night and listened to the whole thing (its about 5-6 hours) And gosh darn it.. every thing the guy said seemed to be logical and make sense, so i told my friend "You know what, I'm up for it.. I'm going to start this diet"
Then he did something that brought a tear to my eye, he transferred me $300 - so i could buy a scale and the nutritional supplements mentioned in the book - this also gave me the opportunity to buy a Hydration Pack, a pair of shoes and a t-shirt
I awaited all these things and said "I'm going to start after my sisters birthday" which was this Monday, so I'm currently on day 3 of the Slow Carb diet from the book. I feel great, the meals are great so far (oh you can work wonders with some curry paste and vegetable stock) - i am struggling a bit with the 1.5 liters of water the book recommended to drink within 5 minutes of waking, but other than that its all good.
I've lost 2.2 kilo's (4.8 pounds but heck rounded up to 5 for flair's sake) since i got the scale 2 weeks ago
But last night, i had an idea. I had been sharing photos and updates about the diet on facebook, which is fine but might seem a bit spammy.. so i got the idea to start a blog instead.
i cleverly named it "My FoodFight - a struggle to lose weight"
I hope i can possibly inspire others to do the same, or at least follow my blog and see my progress :) much love <3
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